Case Studies | Nutshell Apps

Case Studies

Discover how Nutshell Apps is helping businesses of all shapes and sizes accelerate their digital transformation with bespoke, scalable mobile apps.

Rail, Construction & Engineering

Siemens Rail Case Study

Network Rail Works Delivery

Find out how Nutshell helped Network Rail innovate in a time of crisis, with a digital reporting system to easily monitor COVID-compliant working behaviours…

Siemens Rail Case Study

Siemens Rail Services

Find out how Nutshell delivered more than 200% ROI for Siemens rail services, rapidly building and deploying safety critical apps to trackside engineers…

Systra Rail Case Study

Systra Rail

Find out how Nutshell helped Systra engineers reduce end-to-end data processing time by 75% through rapid no-code mobile app development

Systra Rail Case Study

Murphy & Sons

Find out how Nutshell helped Murphy engineers build, test and deploy a suite of three safety-critical mobile apps for Android and iOS in less than a week

Nutshell Apps BCM Construction Case Study

BCM Construction

Find out how Nutshell helped BCM Construction digitise the everyday processes most responsible for lost time and bad data, without exhausting their IT budget…

Nutshell Apps CMS Case Study

CMS Ltd | Commercial Maintenance Services

Find out how Nutshell helped a commercial maintenance specialist save hundreds of hours on manual data entry across their entire fleet…

Siemens Rail Case Study

BCM HAVS Prevention

Find out how Nutshell helped BCM eliminate the risk of HAVS, CPS and other devastating health conditions with a fully-automated exposure calculator…

Direct Enviro Services Case Study

Direct Enviro Services

Find out how Nutshell digitised 5 key processes for Direct Enviro Services including Risk Assessments, Vehicle Inspections and more…

HR, Healthcare & Public Sector

OnTrac Human Resources

Find out how Nutshell helped a rail technology specialist digitise all its paper HR processes with mobile apps that integrate with their HRIS…

Northumbria Police

Find out how Nutshell helped Northumbria Police slash the number of wasted 101 calls, whilst saving more than £27,000 in app development costs…

NHS | British Youth Council

Find out how Nutshell helped the British Youth Council team deliver a twelve-week multi-platform mobile development project in a single day…

Citizens Advice

Find out how Nutshell helped Citizens Advice maintain their acclaimed level of support in the face of overwhelming rises in public anxiety…

Resuscitation Council UK

Find out how Nutshell helped Resuscitation Council UK build a rapid-prototype of their ReSPECT tablet app, fully integrated with OpenEHR…

NHS | Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Trust

Find out how Nutshell helped a Global Digital Exemplar rapidly build a prototype app for skin cancer outpatient care in a matter of days…

Education Sector

Gateshead College E-pprentice App (Video Case)

Discover how Gateshead College transformed their apprentice enrolment process with Nutshell’s innovative E-pprentice Apps.

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Join the ranks of industry leaders using Nutshell® to achieve operational excellence through tailor-made digital solutions. Speak to one of our experts today.